Trump’s American Carnage

Abuse of Power • Democracy Attacked • Trump’s GOP

November 2016 — November 2020

Abuse of Power

It was Republicans in Congress who empowered a criminal president to abuse the power of his office for profit and his failed re-election campaign. They allowed Trump to normalize hateful, racist, sexist, xenophobic lies and conspiracy theories that divide our country and encourage domestic terrorists. Republicans even stood by and repeated Trump’s lies about the COVID-19 pandemic — for their own political gain — that has since killed over half a million Americans and created the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression.

November 2020 — January 2021

 Democracy Attacked

The 2020 elections were a clear rejection of Trump and the Republican Party’s scorched earth strategy with Trump losing the popular vote by 7 million voters. With the nation ravaged by Covid, Trump and his allies double down on racist lies and conspiracy theories about unproven election fraud. Even after 60 failed lawsuits and the January 6th violent insurrection at the capitol, 147 Republican members of Congress voted to overturn the election and install an American Dictator.

January 2021 — Now

Trump’s GOP

After 100 days since Trump left office, the Republican Party continues to repeat Trump’s racist lies and anti-democratic conspiracy theories. To understand Trump’s grip on the GOP - just follow the money. Trump has raised a record $2.2 billion for Republican campaign committees. Since losing the election, Trump and the GOP have raised hundreds of millions pushing the Big Lie to the Republican base. Until further notice, all Republican roads lead to Mar-a-Lago.